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A Visionary Agenda: Transformation in the Veterinary Sector

The HWSETA roundtable discussion aims to transform the veterinary sector by identifying hurdles, fast-tracking transformation, creating a more inclusive sector, and discussing strategies for workforce expansion. The event, featuring a keynote address from the Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, brings together a diverse group of stakeholders, including veterinary professionals, government officials, universities, councils, associations, and other interested parties. The initiative embodies hope for the future – a future where the veterinary sector offers opportunities to many.

A Visionary Agenda: Transformation in the Veterinary Sector

The HWSETA roundtable discussion seeks to bridge the gap in the veterinary sector, ensuring the next generation of veterinary professionals is diverse, skilled, and prepared to move the sector forward. The urgent call for change in the sector is aimed at identifying hurdles, fast-tracking transformation, creating a more inclusive sector, and discussing strategies for workforce expansion.

The Deputy Minister’s Keynote for Transformation

In the bright morning light of 27 November 2023, Mr Buti Manamela, the highly-respected Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, is expected to take the stage at the University of [Pretoria]( His participation and keynote address in the HWSETA roundtable discussion mark a significant occasion in the academic calendar. This meeting, far from being just another scholarly dialogue, carries a substantial mandate – the evolution of the veterinary sector.

The gathering has been jointly arranged by the Health and Welfare Sector of Education and Training Authority (HWSETA) and the University of Pretoria, creating an environment for sturdy discussion about the need for reform in the sector. The conference will welcome a mixture of representatives, each with a vital part to play in molding the future of veterinary science in South Africa. The group, as diverse as the sector it represents, will include veterinary professionals, government officials, universities, councils, associations, and other interested parties.

The heart of the meeting will be the urgent call for change in the veterinary sector. The purpose is straightforward yet multi-dimensional; identifying hurdles, searching for solutions to create a more inclusive sector, fast-tracking transformation, and discussing strategies for workforce expansion. For a long time, the sector has been crying out for professionals at all levels. The call has been answered, but not entirely. This roundtable seeks to bridge this gap, ensuring the next generation of veterinary professionals is diverse, skilled, and prepared to move the sector forward.

The Campaign for Transformation

A crucial part of this initiative is the specialized campaign launched in 2022. This campaign, aiming to reach rural students in secondary schools, places its focus on career guidance in the veterinary sector. The significance of this campaign is paramount, considering the role rural communities play in animal farming and the untapped potential of students in these regions.

Aware of the major consequences of this discussion, the media is warmly invited to report on the event. The assembly details are as follows – Monday, 27 November 2023 at 10:00, at the University of Pretoria, Onderstepoort Campus, Pretoria, Gauteng. For inquiries, please contact Mr. Mandla Tshabalala.

The HWSETA roundtable discussion is more than an academic dialogue; it is a stride towards a more inclusive, sturdy, and efficient veterinary sector. It is about recognizing the need for transformation and the collective endeavor to address it. The initiative embodies hope for the future – a future where the veterinary sector offers opportunities to many, not just a select few. The roundtable, while round in shape, carries a forward-looking vision – a vision for a transformed veterinary sector accessible to all.

Government Initiatives for Transformation

This event is only one of the many initiatives by the South African government to encourage transformation across various sectors. Each program, each dialogue, and each roundtable carries the potential for change. As these potentials are planted and nurtured, they promise a yield of growth and progress.

The government’s website,, is an abundant source of information offering a comprehensive overview of the various initiatives, programs, and services provided by the government. The site provides a complete view of the government’s work, from details about the government system and its leaders to services for residents, organizations, and foreign nationals.

In conclusion, the HWSETA roundtable discussion represents a significant step towards transformation in the veterinary sector. It highlights the urgency for change. By involving a diverse group of stakeholders, the roundtable promises fresh insights, creative solutions, and a roadmap for an inclusive and transformed veterinary sector. The date is set, the stakeholders are ready, and the stage is set for a day of rigorous discussion, insightful dialogue, and cooperative decision-making. The countdown has started. The journey to transformation begins here, at the University of Pretoria, on Monday, 27 November 2023.

1. What is the HWSETA roundtable discussion aiming to achieve?

The HWSETA roundtable discussion aims to transform the veterinary sector by identifying hurdles, fast-tracking transformation, creating a more inclusive sector, and discussing strategies for workforce expansion.

2. Who is expected to attend the HWSETA roundtable discussion?

The roundtable brings together a diverse group of stakeholders, including veterinary professionals, government officials, universities, councils, associations, and other interested parties.

3. Who will be giving the keynote address at the HWSETA roundtable discussion?

The Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Mr. Buti Manamela, is expected to give the keynote address at the HWSETA roundtable discussion.

4. What is the specialized campaign launched in 2022 in the veterinary sector?

The specialized campaign launched in 2022 aims to reach rural students in secondary schools and focuses on career guidance in the veterinary sector, recognizing the role rural communities play in animal farming and the untapped potential of students in these regions.

5. Where and when is the HWSETA roundtable discussion taking place?

The HWSETA roundtable discussion is taking place on Monday, 27 November 2023 at 10:00, at the University of Pretoria, Onderstepoort Campus, Pretoria, Gauteng.

6. What is the government’s role in encouraging transformation across various sectors?

The South African government has various initiatives, programs, and services provided to encourage transformation across various sectors, and these can be found on the government’s website,

Hannah Kriel

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