Categories: Nature

An Unexpected Wintry Wave Hits South Africa

South Africa is set to receive an unexpected snowfall with up to 10cm predicted in various regions, including the Cape Provinces, Lesotho, and neighbouring Namibia. The snow is expected to fall as early as Saturday in some areas and continue into next week in others. This unusual weather event presents a unique opportunity for residents to enjoy a winter wonderland and experience the rare occurrence of African snow.

An Unexpected Wintry Wave Hits South Africa

South Africa is set to experience a snowfall of up to 10cm due to a cut-off low weather system. The snow is predicted to hit various regions, including the Cape Provinces, Lesotho, central territories, and neighbouring Namibia. Snow will fall as early as Saturday in the elevated zones of the Eastern and Northern Cape, while Lesotho and southern Drakensberg will witness significant snowfall by Sunday, continuing into Monday and Tuesday. Some regions of North West and Gauteng may also experience a light dusting of snow.

A Winter Surprise

Sunny South Africa is bracing for an unlikely event – a snowfall that could reach up to 10cm. This drastic change in the climate isn’t limited to a single area but is forecasted to impact a variety of regions, the Cape Provinces, Lesotho, the central territories, and even neighbouring Namibia.

Vox Weather forecasters have predicted that freezing levels are likely to drop significantly from this Saturday onward. This shift is a clear yet powerful manifestation of a cut-off low weather system. This system is responsible for the arrival of rain, snow, and a notable decrease in temperature in several regions.

For the residents of the escarpments and elevated zones in the Eastern and Northern Cape, snowfall will begin as early as Saturday. Towns such as Molteno and Philipstown will turn into temporary winter landscapes. However, the forecasted snowfall is likely to mix with rain and may quickly melt.

The Reach of the Cold Spell

South Africa’s neighbour, Namibia, won’t be exempt from this winter surprise. A combination of light snow and rain is likely in areas like Aus, Rosh Pinah, and Ai-Ais. This weather pattern is also expected to spread to the western and central parts of the Northern Cape, including regions like Namakwa and Pixley Ka Seme Municipalities, and even over the Nuweveld mountains.

In Lesotho and the southern Drakensberg, snowfall is also expected over the weekend. Afriski in Lesotho is predicted to witness significant snowfall starting Sunday, continuing into Monday and Tuesday.

By the time Monday arrives, large parts of the country will be under a cold, snowy blanket. This stark shift in weather patterns will result in snow covering mountain peaks on Monday. Lesotho, in particular, may see snow depths of over 10cm, especially around Afri Ski. Regions near Lesotho in the Eastern Cape may have to deal with between 5 to 10cm of snow over the southern Drakensberg and adjacent towns, including Barkly East.

The Snowy Saga Continues

The southern and eastern Free State will also endure this winter wave. Here, a blend of snow, ice rain, and sleet will fall, covering the north-eastern parts of the Northern Cape, around Postmasburg and Kuruman. By late Monday and into Tuesday, this wintry combination may even reach south of Bloemfontein in the Free State.

Contrary to their usual weather, some regions may still experience this wintry shift. The European ECMWF weather model suggests a potential light dusting of snow over southern regions of North West and Gauteng. While this model has been known to over-predict, it nonetheless signifies a considerable atmospheric change.

The wintry tale will carry on into Tuesday morning, with the southern parts of the Free State possibly seeing a mixture of snow and rain. Lesotho and southern Drakensberg might be in for a heavy snowfall, with an additional 20-40cm forecasted.

A Unique Winter Opportunity

Indeed, this cold snap is unusual but also presents a unique opportunity. Consequently, if conditions allow, why not seize the moment? Gather the children, wrap up warmly, and embark on a quest for the elusive African snow. After all, this isn’t an everyday occurrence.

1. What is happening in South Africa?

South Africa is set to receive an unexpected snowfall due to a cut-off low weather system, which could result in up to 10cm of snow in various regions.

2. Which regions will be affected by the snowfall?

The Cape Provinces, Lesotho, central territories, and neighbouring Namibia will be affected by the snowfall.

3. When is the snow expected to fall?

Snow will fall as early as Saturday in some areas and continue into next week in others.

4. Will the snow only fall in mountainous regions?

No, some regions of North West and Gauteng may also experience a light dusting of snow.

5. How much snow is expected in Lesotho and southern Drakensberg?

Lesotho, in particular, may see snow depths of over 10cm, especially around Afriski. Regions near Lesotho in the Eastern Cape may have to deal with between 5 to 10cm of snow over the southern Drakensberg and adjacent towns, including Barkly East.

6. Should residents take advantage of this unique opportunity?

Yes, residents should take advantage of this unique opportunity to experience the rare occurrence of African snow.

Tumi Makgale

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