
Transforming Table View Beachfront: A Remarkable Coastal Rehabilitation Endeavor

The wellknown adage "Rome wasn't built overnight" perfectly exemplifies the ambitious plan the City of Cape Town, South Africa, has…

8 months ago

Josh Duhamel’s Adventure in Cape Town’s Wilderness

Actor Josh Duhamel rang in the New Year by exploring the natural wonders of Cape Town, South Africa, including climbing…

9 months ago

The Enchantment of Cape Town’s Petting Zoos

Cape Town's petting zoos offer a magical experience for children to interact with animals and learn about animal care. Higgeldy…

9 months ago

The Remarkable Tale of Nobomvu: A Symbol of Hope and Resilience

Nobomvu, a loggerhead turtle nicknamed the "Red Lady," was rescued from a ghost fishing net and diagnosed with osteomyelitis. The…

9 months ago

Rising Tides and Safety Strides: Towards a Safer Seashore in Cape Town

Cape Town's beautiful beaches are mesmerizing under the full moon, but they can also be dangerous. Rip currents and sea…

9 months ago

Rediscovering the Enigmatic Knysna Warbler on the Cape Peninsula

The Knysna Warbler, a unique bird species in South Africa, was previously assumed to have vanished from the Cape Peninsula,…

9 months ago

Cape Town’s Persistent Struggles for Water Conservation Throughout Summer

Cape Town is urging its citizens to conserve water as summer approaches, calling for prompt fixing of leaks, compliance with…

9 months ago

The Trial by Fire in Simon’s Town: A Test of Resilience and Heritage

A raging wildfire has engulfed Simon's Town, a vital naval base in South Africa with a rich history. The town's…

9 months ago

A Closer Look: The Seli 1 Wreckage and Cape Town’s Steadfast Approach to Safety

The *Seli 1 shipwreck* off the coast of Cape Town poses a hidden danger to water enthusiasts during low tide.…

9 months ago

Exceptional Water Quality: A Signature Feature of Cape Town’s Blue Flag Beaches

As the festive season brings in crowds of beach enthusiasts, Cape Town's popular coastlines become a testament to the city's…

9 months ago