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Empowering Sustainable Development through Science, Technology, and Innovation

The Role of STI in Addressing Global Development Challenges

In this age of rapid technological progress and worldwide development hurdles, the significance of science, technology, and innovation (STI) is of utmost importance. The recent General Debate at the Summit of Heads of State and Government of the G77 + China emphasized the crucial role of STI in tackling present and future barriers. On September 16, 2023, Dr. Naledi Pandor, the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation of the Republic of South Africa, led the discussion on “Current Development Challenges: The Role of Science, Technology, and Innovation.”

Praising the host nation, Cuba, Dr. Pandor commended its government and citizens for their sacrifices in battling colonialism and apartheid. She also expressed her gratitude for their continuous commitment to science and technology, even when faced with harsh and unjust economic sanctions.

Dr. Pandor highlighted the essential role of STI in addressing current issues like poverty, inequality, and unemployment during the summit. She urged the G77 + China to increase investments in research, development, and innovation (RDI) so these sectors can take the lead in future development. Dr. Pandor stressed the importance of effective organization, coordination, and science diplomacy in reaping the full benefits of STI.

South Africa’s Investment in RDI and Overcoming Challenges

South Africa is a prime example of a nation that actively invests in RDI. Since attaining freedom and democracy in 1994, the country has funded 90 Centres of Excellence and supported thousands of young people in earning PhDs in various fields, such as science, engineering, economics, humanities, and technology. These efforts showcase the potential of STI as a strategic driver for development.

However, the road to success is filled with obstacles. Dr. Pandor recognized the resistance the G77 + China face in their pursuit of a fairer distribution of technological advancements and innovation. Developed countries often wield tremendous control over global innovation, making it difficult to ensure equal access to STI for all nations.

To overcome these challenges, Dr. Pandor called for unity among the G77 + China and encouraged member countries to form science partnerships, drawing inspiration from the successes of nations like Cuba, China, and India. She stressed the importance of expanding Africa’s STI ecosystem and utilizing science to tackle the continent’s most stubborn issues.

Harnessing STI for Growth and Gender Equality

Dr. Pandor also showcased the potential of STI to drive expansion in the green economy, enhance productive capacity, and add value to mineral wealth. Besides STI development, she implored the G77 + China to strengthen their commitment to reforming United Nations mechanisms, such as the Security Council, and international development finance institutions.

Dr. Pandor emphasized the importance of ensuring equal access to science and innovation for women and girls as a critical aspect of the sustainable development agenda. She called on the G77 + China to fulfill the gender equality goals outlined in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in their quest for a more inclusive and sustainable future.

In summary, the Havana Summit accentuated the importance of unity and determination in realizing the full potential of science, technology, and innovation. By working together, the G77 + China can surmount the challenges encountered by the global South and secure a sustainable and prosperous future for everyone.

Hannah Kriel

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