cape peninsula baboon strategic management plan

Rediscovering the Enigmatic Knysna Warbler on the Cape PeninsulaRediscovering the Enigmatic Knysna Warbler on the Cape Peninsula

Rediscovering the Enigmatic Knysna Warbler on the Cape Peninsula

The Knysna Warbler, a unique bird species in South Africa, was previously assumed to have vanished from the Cape Peninsula,…

1 year ago
Experience the Magnificence of Cape Peninsula with Two Oceans Marathon 2024Experience the Magnificence of Cape Peninsula with Two Oceans Marathon 2024

Experience the Magnificence of Cape Peninsula with Two Oceans Marathon 2024

The Two Oceans Marathon, often hailed as "the world's most beautiful marathon," will take place in Cape Town on April…

1 year ago
Challenges of Reintroducing Cheetahs to IndiaChallenges of Reintroducing Cheetahs to India

Challenges of Reintroducing Cheetahs to India

The reintroduction of cheetahs to their former range in India is a complicated and perilous process that requires careful monitoring…

2 years ago
Cape Town Implements Sustainable Management of Chacma Baboon PopulationCape Town Implements Sustainable Management of Chacma Baboon Population

Cape Town Implements Sustainable Management of Chacma Baboon Population

The City of Cape Town has taken a significant step towards sustainable management of the Chacma baboon population on the…

2 years ago
South Africa’s Critical Shortage of Snake Antivenom TreatmentSouth Africa’s Critical Shortage of Snake Antivenom Treatment

South Africa’s Critical Shortage of Snake Antivenom Treatment

South Africa is home to some of the world's deadliest snakes, including the Black and Green Mamba, Cape Cobra, Forest…

2 years ago
A Tragic Incident Spotlights Human-Wildlife ConflictA Tragic Incident Spotlights Human-Wildlife Conflict

A Tragic Incident Spotlights Human-Wildlife Conflict

In March 2021, animal rights groups in South Africa were outraged over the shooting and paralyzing of a young baboon…

2 years ago