carbon credits

Cape Town’s Pioneering Carbon Credit Endeavor: A Novel Strategy for Urban Waste Management

Cape Town is leading the fight against climate change with its innovative wastetoenergy project, which has generated R36 million in…

8 months ago

Cape Town’s Eco-Conscious Endeavour: A Narrative of Carbon Credits and Waste-to-Energy Practices

Cape Town is leading the way in sustainable energy and waste management with their innovative wastetoenergy projects and carbon credits.…

8 months ago

The Role of Informal Work in the Social Grant System in South Africa

South Africa's social grant system has helped reduce poverty and improve the lives of millions of South Africans. However, a…

2 years ago

Hempcrete Building Material Gains Popularity in Sustainable Construction

Hempcrete is a sustainable and ecofriendly building material that is gaining popularity in the construction industry. The world's tallest building…

2 years ago