cervical cancer prevention

Spotlight on a Revolutionary FASD Awareness Platform: A Guiding Light for Knowledge and Hope

The Western Cape FASD Network has announced the launch of a groundbreaking website dedicated to providing crucial information on Fetal…

3 months ago

The Unseen Threat: Hypertension in the Bustling City

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a dangerous health risk that can lead to serious complications like stroke and heart…

7 months ago

Launching a Remarkable Effort: Tackling Cervical Cancer in the Western Cape

The Western Cape is launching an initiative to combat cervical cancer by providing free HPV vaccines to girls aged nine…

10 months ago

The Fight Against Cervical Cancer – Western Cape’s Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Campaign

In an effort to combat cervical cancer and reduce human papillomavirus (HPV) infections, the Western Cape Department of Health and…

1 year ago