government negligence

Navigating the Water-Laden Trails of Khayelitsha and Cravenby: A Narrative of Neglect and TenacityNavigating the Water-Laden Trails of Khayelitsha and Cravenby: A Narrative of Neglect and Tenacity

Navigating the Water-Laden Trails of Khayelitsha and Cravenby: A Narrative of Neglect and Tenacity

The flooding in Khayelitsha and Cravenby was caused by neglected stormwater infrastructure and illegal dumping, resulting in dangerous living conditions…

8 months ago
Maria Williams’ Legal Victory Against Pick n PayMaria Williams’ Legal Victory Against Pick n Pay

Maria Williams’ Legal Victory Against Pick n Pay

Maria Williams, the widow of rugby player Chester Williams, has won a legal battle against supermarket giant Pick n Pay.…

2 years ago
South African Police Service Faces Lawsuit for Deaths and Injuries Caused by Stolen FirearmsSouth African Police Service Faces Lawsuit for Deaths and Injuries Caused by Stolen Firearms

South African Police Service Faces Lawsuit for Deaths and Injuries Caused by Stolen Firearms

Gun Free South Africa (GFSA) and nine families have brought a class action lawsuit against the South African Police Service…

2 years ago