Dwayne Johnson’s Seven Bucks Productions and Nacelle have teamed up to create “RoboForce: The Animated Series,” set in a futuristic world where rogue robots threaten humanity. The show follows the RoboForce team, led by Maxx 89, as they fight against a rival’s innovative creation to save the world from destruction. The series boasts an impressive creative team, including renowned executive producers and director Brian Volk-Weiss, composer Matthew Margeson, and Cartoon Conrad. The partnership between Seven Bucks and Nacelle aims to revive the nostalgic brand for a new generation with a unique blend of action, comedy, and emotional depth.
Seven Bucks Productions, a company co-founded by Dwayne Johnson and Dany Garcia, and presided over by Hiram Garcia, is making a groundbreaking move into the world of animation. They are partnering with Nacelle to create “RoboForce,” an animated series that promises to deliver a gripping tale of vindication and revival.
The Plot
“RoboForce: The Animated Series” is set in 2089, in a futuristic world where rogue robots pose a threat to humanity. The series centers on the RoboForce team, led by Maxx 89, who find themselves on the brink of obsolescence due to a rival’s innovative creation. The show promises to shine a spotlight on these once disregarded heroes as they fight to save the world from destruction.
The Creative Team
The creative team behind “RoboForce” is an assembly of remarkable executive producers such as Cisco Henson, Matt Kravitsky, Michael Goodman, Tom Stern, Gavin Hignight, and Brian Volk-Weiss from Nacelle, as well as Dwayne Johnson, Dany Garcia, Hiram Garcia, and Brian Gewirtz from Seven Bucks Productions.
Volk-Weiss, a renowned figure in the industry, will be helming the director’s role. Acclaimed composer Matthew Margeson is tasked with creating the musical score, while the visual aspects of the series will be in the capable hands of Cartoon Conrad.
The Companies
Seven Bucks Productions, fresh off their recent triumph with “DC League Of Super-Pets,” is set to expand their influence in the realm of animated storytelling. Their innovative vision and creative prowess have struck a chord with diverse audiences, as showcased through the “Jumanji” franchise.
Nacelle, under the stewardship of Founder and CEO Brian Volk-Weiss, has played a significant role in the revival of RoboForce. The company introduced the first batch of action figures in 2022, and they’re already in the development phase for the second wave. They have also clinched several licensing agreements to manufacture an array of merchandise, including comics, graphic novels, and collectible vinyl figures, to augment the RoboForce brand’s reach and impact.
“RoboForce: The Animated Series” doesn’t merely represent Seven Bucks Productions’ entry into animation; it signifies the revival of a nostalgic brand for a new generation. Given the exceptional team behind it, the series is set to enthrall viewers with its distinctive amalgamation of action, comedy, and emotional depth.
1. What is “RoboForce: The Animated Series” about?
“RoboForce: The Animated Series” is set in a futuristic world where rogue robots threaten humanity. The show follows the RoboForce team, led by Maxx 89, as they fight against a rival’s innovative creation to save the world from destruction.
2. Who is the creative team behind “RoboForce”?
The creative team behind “RoboForce” is an assembly of remarkable executive producers such as Cisco Henson, Matt Kravitsky, Michael Goodman, Tom Stern, Gavin Hignight, and Brian Volk-Weiss from Nacelle, as well as Dwayne Johnson, Dany Garcia, Hiram Garcia, and Brian Gewirtz from Seven Bucks Productions. Volk-Weiss, a renowned figure in the industry, will be helming the director’s role. Acclaimed composer Matthew Margeson is tasked with creating the musical score, while the visual aspects of the series will be in the capable hands of Cartoon Conrad.
3. What is the goal of the partnership between Seven Bucks and Nacelle?
The partnership between Seven Bucks and Nacelle aims to revive the nostalgic brand for a new generation with a unique blend of action, comedy, and emotional depth.
4. What is Seven Bucks Productions?
Seven Bucks Productions is a company co-founded by Dwayne Johnson and Dany Garcia, and presided over by Hiram Garcia. They are known for producing films and TV shows such as “DC League Of Super-Pets” and the “Jumanji” franchise.
5. What is Nacelle?
Nacelle is a production company founded by Brian Volk-Weiss that specializes in reviving nostalgic brands for new audiences. They are partnering with Seven Bucks Productions to create “RoboForce: The Animated Series” and have already introduced the first batch of action figures and secured licensing agreements for other merchandise.