Mama Flo: A Beacon of Hope in Cape Town

5 mins read
period poverty community empowerment

Mama Flo is a shining beacon of hope in Cape Town, fighting against period poverty by providing sanitary pads and education. Founded by three friends, Isabella, Melissa, and Laurie, this charity began during the tough times of COVID-19 when they realized how many women needed help. They don’t just give out pads; they also hold workshops to teach women about menstrual health and empower local leaders to spread awareness. Mama Flo’s mission is all about making a lasting change, ensuring every woman can manage her period with dignity and confidence. Their work is a beautiful example of how kindness and community can create real impact.

What is Mama Flo and how does it combat period poverty in Cape Town?

Mama Flo is a charitable initiative in Cape Town addressing period poverty by distributing reusable and single-use sanitary pads while providing education through community workshops. Founded by Isabella Bisogno, Melissa Zackon, and Laurie Shone, it empowers women and trains community leaders for sustainable impact.

The Genesis of Mama Flo

In the heart of Cape Town, a remarkable act of kindness transformed into a symbol of hope and solidarity, known today as Mama Flo. This charitable initiative, envisioned by Isabella Bisogno, Melissa Zackon, and Laurie Shone, emerged as a formidable adversary against period poverty. The trio, who have been friends since their primary school days, embarked on this transformative journey during the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic. They were moved to action by an urgent plea for sanitary pad donations for the women in Site B, Khayelitsha.

Initially, their endeavor was simple: collect and distribute sanitary pads. However, the overwhelming response from donors quickly escalated their mission. The sheer volume of donated pads presented a logistical challenge, but also highlighted the profound need within the community. Melissa recalls the moment they realized the gravity of the situation, “We knew period poverty existed, we knew poverty existed, but seeing how incredibly grateful so many people were, simply for a pack of pads…” This realization kindled a spark within them, leading to the formal establishment of Mama Flo on June 16, 2020.

A Mission Rooted in Sustainability

At the core of Mama Flo’s mission lies the pursuit of sustainable solutions to combat period poverty. This mission transcends the mere distribution of sanitary pads; it embraces a holistic approach involving comprehensive community engagement. The organization conducts regular pad handout drives and organizes workshops designed to foster meaningful relationships within the communities they serve. These workshops are more than just distribution points; they are essential for understanding the unique requirements of each community and delivering relevant education.

Laurie articulates their ambitious vision: “We hope to provide reusable sanitary pads to more than 4,000 women and single-use pads to an additional 6,400 women. We also aim to strengthen the ambassador program by training 50 new community leaders to facilitate workshops and advocate for menstrual health.” This comprehensive approach ensures a lasting impact within the community, promoting a culture of awareness and empowerment.

Transformative Workshops and Community Ambassadors

The inception of Mama Flo can be traced back to a pivotal moment when the founders witnessed the deep gratitude of the women they were aiding. This moment of recognition and call to action revealed the stark realities of period poverty, a struggle often hidden yet deeply impactful. The initial distribution run highlighted the necessity for a sustained and evolving effort to address ongoing needs.

Mama Flo’s workshops are a cornerstone of their strategy, designed to educate and empower women. These sessions cover a wide range of topics, from menstrual health to the use of reusable pads. Such workshops are transformative, equipping attendees with the knowledge and tools to manage their menstrual health with dignity and autonomy.

Moreover, the organization’s commitment to training community leaders as ambassadors underscores their dedication to long-term sustainability. By empowering local leaders, Mama Flo ensures that their message and support extend well beyond the immediate reach of the founders. These ambassadors become torchbearers in their communities, spreading awareness and advocating for menstrual health, thereby creating a ripple effect of informed and empowered individuals.

Commitment to Immediate and Sustainable Solutions

In addition to their educational initiatives, Mama Flo remains deeply committed to addressing the tangible needs of the women they serve. Their goal to distribute thousands of reusable and single-use pads highlights a dual commitment to immediate relief and sustainable solutions. Reusable pads, in particular, offer a long-term solution that alleviates the recurring financial burden of menstrual products, representing a significant step towards sustainability.

The work of Mama Flo is firmly rooted in a sense of community and solidarity. The founders understand that ending period poverty requires more than just resources; it necessitates a shift in cultural attitudes and a collective effort. Their holistic approach addresses both the immediate needs and the systemic issues perpetuating period poverty.

Grassroots Movements and Lasting Impact

Mama Flo’s journey from a simple pad collection to a comprehensive charity illustrates the profound impact of grassroots movements. It showcases how a small act of kindness can evolve into a monumental force for change. The organization’s success is a testament to the power of compassion and the importance of community-driven efforts.

The story of Mama Flo transcends the fight against period poverty; it is about instilling a sense of dignity and empowerment within the communities they serve. It stands as a powerful example of what can be achieved when a few dedicated individuals unite with a shared vision and purpose. In a world where period poverty often remains unaddressed, Mama Flo shines a light, offering both immediate relief and long-term solutions. Their efforts go beyond charity; they represent a movement towards dignity, empowerment, and sustained change.

As Mama Flo continues to grow and expand its reach, it serves as an inspiring example of empathy in action. The organization’s work underscores the potential of grassroots initiatives to effect significant social change, reminding us that even the smallest acts of kindness can ignite a beacon of hope.


What is Mama Flo and how does it combat period poverty in Cape Town?

Mama Flo is a charitable initiative based in Cape Town that addresses period poverty by distributing reusable and single-use sanitary pads while providing education through community workshops. Founded by Isabella Bisogno, Melissa Zackon, and Laurie Shone, it empowers women and trains community leaders to create a sustainable impact in the fight against period poverty.

How did Mama Flo start?

Mama Flo was founded during the COVID-19 pandemic after the trio of friends noticed the urgent need for sanitary pad donations in the Site B community of Khayelitsha. What began as a simple endeavor to collect and distribute pads quickly evolved into a larger mission, leading to the official establishment of Mama Flo on June 16, 2020.

What types of workshops does Mama Flo offer?

Mama Flo conducts workshops designed to educate and empower women on various topics related to menstrual health, including the use of reusable pads. These workshops not only provide essential information but also foster community engagement and relationships, ensuring that the unique needs of each community are addressed.

How does Mama Flo promote sustainability in its mission?

Mama Flo promotes sustainability by distributing reusable sanitary pads, which offer a long-term solution to the recurring financial burden associated with menstrual products. Additionally, the organization aims to train community leaders as ambassadors to ensure that awareness and education on menstrual health continues beyond the immediate reach of the founders.

What are the future goals of Mama Flo?

Mama Flo aims to provide reusable sanitary pads to more than 4,000 women and single-use pads to an additional 6,400 women. They also seek to strengthen their ambassador program by training 50 new community leaders who will facilitate workshops and advocate for menstrual health in their communities.

How can individuals support Mama Flo’s mission?

Individuals can support Mama Flo by donating sanitary pads, financial contributions, or volunteering their time to assist in workshops and pad distribution drives. Spreading awareness about period poverty and Mama Flo’s initiatives within their own communities also helps amplify the organization’s impact and reach.

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