The Loskop Bulk Water Supply Project is a significant initiative to address the water supply challenges experienced by communities in the Thembisile Hani Municipality and eight other villages in the Limpopo province of South Africa. The project is worth R1.67 billion and has five work packages, including laying 30 km of pipelines from Loskop Dam and constructing two water reservoirs, pump stations, and water treatment works.
The 5th Global Conference on Biodiversity Finance, organized by the South African government and the United Nations Development Programme’s (UNDP) Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN), is scheduled to take place on May 9, 2023, in Cape Town, South Africa. The event will provide an opportunity for government representatives, private sector members, experts, and academics to share experiences and engage in technical discussions on biodiversity finance solutions and investments in BIOFIN countries and regions.
Genderbased violence (GBV) remains critical in South Africa’s posteducation and training sector. Female students are particularly vulnerable to experiencing physical and psychological harm, as demonstrated by a Higher Health (HH) study, which found that 62% of South African students feel unsafe on campus.
Over the past week, the City’s law enforcement agencies have worked diligently to ensure safer roads and decreased lawlessness. The results of their efforts are evident in the impressive number of arrests and fines issued during weekly enforcement operations. ### Impressive Arrest and Fine Numbers Achieved
The N2 Wild Coast Road Project is a significant infrastructure project that has the potential to revolutionize South Africa’s transport industry. The South African National Roads Agency SOC Limited (SANRAL) is responsible for the project, estimated to cost R10 billion.
Recently, two commercial layer farms in the Paardeberg area of the Western Cape were found to have avian influenza. The Western Cape Government is urging both the agricultural sector and the public to be mindful and limit the spread of the disease to prevent further outbreaks. The disease has already caused the death or destruction of 120,000 birds, as confirmed on April 21 and 25.
The Western Cape of South Africa has been grappling with a severe drought for several years. In 2017, the region introduced water restrictions to help manage the scarce water supply. While there has been a slight improvement in the situation in 2020, the region’s water supply remains fragile.
Gang activity has been increasing in South Africa in recent years, especially in urban areas with high levels of poverty and unemployment. These criminal organizations engage in a variety of illegal activities, such as drug trafficking, robbery, and murder, causing fear and insecurity among the population.
South Africa has a rich and complicated history, but it also boasts breathtaking natural beauty and endless opportunities for exploration. Despite the challenges that the country faces, Tammy Southby’s blog, Sunshine Simplicities, focuses on the positive aspects of South Africa that often go unnoticed.
Emazulwini Restaurant at Makers Landing in Cape Town has quickly become a mustvisit destination for foodies and travelers alike. The restaurant offers unique and innovative cuisine, resulting in its recent inclusion on the Condé Nast Traveller’s ‘2023 Hot List’. ## A Taste of Authentic South African Cuisine
Home composting is an effective and straightforward way to reduce waste and decrease greenhouse gas emissions. By composting organic waste, you can turn it into nutrientrich soil that can be used for gardening and landscaping purposes. It can also help households save money on waste disposal costs and reduce reliance on chemical fertilizers.
Access to nature is not a luxury but a necessity for physical, psychological, and spiritual wellbeing. Numerous studies in many countries have documented the benefits of being in nature. However, more research needs to be done in developing countries on the importance of nature experience. In these countries, nature is often considered a luxury once basic needs are met. Instead, the focus is on economic development, housing and sanitation, and access to green space. As urbanization accelerates in developing countries, nature experience is becoming increasingly rare, and access to nature and green spaces is highly skewed along socioeconomic lines.
The situation in Sudan has been volatile since the removal of former President Omar alBashir in April 2019. The country has been in a transitional period, with a powersharing government comprising military and civilian factions. However, tensions have risen in recent weeks due to disagreements over the country’s future.
De Hoop Collection is a toprated destination for wine lovers, music enthusiasts, and nature lovers. As a premier Cape Country Routes member, De Hoop Collection is nestled in the heart of De Hoop Nature Reserve. It offers a range of affordable accommodations, including campsite rondavels, selfcatering cottages and houses, romantic suites, an old stone manor house, and De Mond Villa, which was recently restored and refurbished. This outstanding nature reserve offers visitors pristine beaches, a Ramsarlisted vlei, rare indigenous plants, diverse animals, and birdlife for a unique outdoor experience.
A recent development in Cape Town has shed light on the ongoing struggle of vulnerable individuals experiencing homelessness in the City. The City of Cape Town had applied to have a group of homeless individuals evicted from several public sites, including locations in the city center. However, the eviction hearing was delayed after the group, represented by the SocioEconomic Rights Institute of South Africa (SERI), filed a notice of intention to oppose the eviction. While disappointing for the City, the delay has opened up an opportunity for a larger conversation about the root causes of homelessness in Cape Town.
Cape Town is a city of contrasts, where the urban landscape meets the natural beauty of the surrounding mountains and sea. It’s no wonder that the city’s farmers’ markets are such a popular attraction for locals and visitors alike. From the lush valleys of Elgin to the historic wine estate of Stellenbosch, there is no shortage of markets to explore and discover.