Consistent Endeavours of Water and Sanitation Directorate Maintenance Team

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water supply disruptions maintenance team

The Water and Sanitation Directorate’s maintenance team has been working hard to address the regular water supply disruptions in Hout Bay caused by outdated infrastructure. They are strategically placed on-site and working continuously for three consecutive days to manage the situation. The city is taking proactive measures, such as placing water tankers at key points, to mitigate disruptions. Residents are encouraged to prepare for planned disruptions in advance and follow the City’s alerts account for updates. Despite the challenges, the city remains committed to resolving the issue and creating a system that can withstand future disruptions.

How is the Water and Sanitation Directorate Maintenance Team Addressing Water Disruptions in Hout Bay?

The maintenance team of the Water and Sanitation Directorate has been working tirelessly to address the regular water supply disruptions in Hout Bay. These disruptions are primarily due to outdated infrastructure at Blue Valley Close that can no longer bear the high water pressure in the system. The team is strategically placed on-site, working continuously for three consecutive days to manage the situation. The city is taking proactive measures to mitigate disruptions, including placing water tankers at key points. Residents are encouraged to prepare for planned disruptions in advance and follow the City’s alerts account for updates.

Hardworking and persistent, the maintenance team of the Water and Sanitation Directorate has been observed in Hout Bay, working relentlessly to address the regular disruptions in the water supply. These disruptions are primarily a result of outdated infrastructure at Blue Valley Close that can no longer bear the high water pressure in the system. Even though these interruptions are causing inconvenience to the residents and businesses, the city is committed to resolving the issue as quickly as possible.

On-Site Repairs and Maintenance

The maintenance team has been strategically placed on-site, working continuously for three consecutive days. Their focus is primarily on the areas along Hout Bay Main Road from Bokkemanskloof and Disa Road up to Victoria Road. This area includes Victorskloof, Overkloof, Longkloof, and Northoaks. Unfortunately, residents in these areas have been experiencing intermittent water supply disruptions.

Recently, the team was sent to manage a leak at the same location in Blue Valley Close. Upon draining the site for examination, they discovered that a coupling on the pipe section had shifted, leading to additional water supply cut-offs to avoid more leaks. This incident aptly represents the challenges that the team faces while managing this old infrastructure.

Challenges of Managing Ageing Infrastructure

Hout Bay’s geographical location presents an additional challenge, with many of its sections situated at high altitudes. The water distribution system needs a high-pressure mechanism to transport water to residential units throughout the area. Over the years, the older water pipes, although regulated and stabilized by valves, have increasingly become unable to resist such high pressure. This has led to frequent pipe bursts and leaks.

To minimize water wastage, emergency repairs have been given priority. The Water and Sanitation maintenance teams, including First Level Responders (FLRs), are assigned daily to perform these emergency repairs. The process of replacing new pipe sections requires water supply shut-offs for the duration of the work, as well as subsequent testing to ensure the system’s integrity.

Proactive Measures and Overhauls

The city is taking active measures to mitigate the water supply disruptions, like strategically placing water tankers at key points, including near Kenrock Estate in Valley Road and the vicinity of Spar in Main Road, Hout Bay. However, these are just temporary solutions. The long-term remedy involves a thorough overhaul of the ageing system, which will be carried out in stages.

It is vital for the residents to understand the nature of these water supply disruptions. They must know that any site undergoing water and sanitation repairs is essentially a construction site and, therefore, off-limits. Also, sometimes the maintenance work may turn out to be more complicated than initially expected, potentially extending the disruption period. After the water supply is restored, the water might appear discoloured or milky due to trapped air in the pipes, but this will normalize if left to stand.

Preparations and Updates for Residents

Residents are encouraged to prepare for planned water supply disruptions in advance. This preparation includes storing water in clean, sealed containers and ensuring taps are closed to prevent water loss or damage when the water supply is restored. For updates on maintenance work, residents are advised to follow the City’s alerts account @CityofCTAlerts on social media.

Despite the inconvenience and challenges posed by the current situation, the city’s commitment to resolving the issue remains unwavering. The Water and Sanitation Directorate maintenance team’s continuous efforts are a testimony to this commitment. Their relentless work aims not only to restore the water supply but also to create a system that can withstand future disruptions.

1. What is causing the regular water supply disruptions in Hout Bay?

The regular water supply disruptions in Hout Bay are caused by outdated infrastructure at Blue Valley Close that can no longer bear the high water pressure in the system.

2. What is the Water and Sanitation Directorate Maintenance Team doing to address the water disruptions in Hout Bay?

The Water and Sanitation Directorate Maintenance Team has been working continuously for three consecutive days to manage the situation. They are strategically placed on-site to address the disruptions.

3. What proactive measures is the city taking to mitigate the water supply disruptions?

The city is taking proactive measures like placing water tankers at key points to mitigate the water supply disruptions. However, these are temporary solutions, and a thorough overhaul of the ageing system will be carried out in stages.

4. How is the maintenance team managing the ageing infrastructure?

The maintenance team is facing challenges while managing the ageing infrastructure in Hout Bay. They have given priority to emergency repairs to minimize water wastage. The process of replacing new pipe sections requires water supply shut-offs for the duration of the work.

5. How can residents prepare for planned water supply disruptions?

Residents are encouraged to prepare for planned water supply disruptions in advance by storing water in clean, sealed containers and ensuring taps are closed to prevent water loss or damage when the water supply is restored.

6. Where can residents get updates on maintenance work?

Residents are advised to follow the City’s alerts account @CityofCTAlerts on social media for updates on maintenance work.

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