Minister Ronald Lamola’s Initiative: Building Houses and Combating Gender-Based Violence

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On September 7th, 2023, Minister of Justice and Correctional Services, Ronald Lamola, will hand over a fully-furnished house to Mme Maria Motale in Ntswelengwe Village, Kuruman. The house was constructed using offender labor, an innovative approach that provides skill development for inmates and empowers communities.

Offender Labor for Community Development

The initiative aligns with the Department of Correctional Services’ commitment to ensuring that inmates contribute positively to their communities during their incarceration. The program teaches valuable skills to inmates while serving as a way for them to give back to the communities that they have harmed.

Minister Lamola had previously promised to build three houses for victims of crime and the destitute, with one house built in Nongoma (KwaZulu-Natal) and another in Nyanga (Western Cape) currently under construction.

Handover Event and Anti-Gender Based Violence Imbizo

Following the handover, Minister Lamola will host an Anti-Gender Based Violence (GBV) Imbizo in Manyeding Village. This event aims to encourage communities to value and uphold their rights as outlined in the Constitution while promoting active public participation in the implementation of justice services.

The Imbizo provides a platform for direct interaction between the community and government, fostering accountability and facilitating the free flow of information. By offering opportunities for robust discussions and information exchange, the government can better understand the needs and concerns of their constituents and respond accordingly.

Promoting Social and Gender Equality

The use of offender labor to build houses shows the government’s innovative approach to addressing multiple societal issues. It provides affordable housing for victims of crime and the destitute while simultaneously helping inmates with personal growth and skill development.

Hosting the Anti-Gender Based Violence Imbizo demonstrates the government’s ongoing dedication to addressing gender-based violence. The Imbizo contributes to raising awareness, promoting education on the issue, and ensuring a more inclusive and safer society.

Minister Ronald Lamola’s initiatives in building houses using offender labor and hosting the Anti-Gender Based Violence Imbizo demonstrate the government’s dedication to tackling pressing social issues head-on. By promoting open dialogue and engaging with communities, the government can work alongside its citizens to create a brighter and more equitable future for all.

A Russian-Spanish journalist and Cape Town native, channels his lifelong passion for South Africa into captivating stories for his local blog. With a diverse background and 50 years of rich experiences, Serjio's unique voice resonates with readers seeking to explore Cape Town's vibrant culture. His love for the city shines through in every piece, making Serjio the go-to source for the latest in South African adventures.

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