“RISE – The Siya Kolisi Story” is a documentary that tells the story of Siya Kolisi, the first black captain of South Africa’s national rugby team. Directed by Tebogo Malope, the film portrays Kolisi’s challenging upbringing in South Africa, marked by poverty, systemic racism, and violence, and the role rugby played in his life. The documentary goes beyond sports, highlighting his leadership both on and off the field, which has inspired a nation grappling with historical injustices.
Breaking Barriers and Inspiring Millions
Kolisi’s appointment as the first-ever black captain of South Africa’s national rugby team was a significant milestone in the country’s history. He broke down barriers and established himself as a global icon, inspiring people to pursue their goals and not let adverse circumstances define their lives. His leadership on the field has been recognized, and he has received several accolades, including being named the SA Rugby Player of the Year.
Making a Difference Off the Field
Off the field, Kolisi has made a significant impact. Together with his wife, Rachel Kolisi, he co-founded The Kolisi Foundation, which aims to change narratives of inequality in South Africa. He has also been designated as the UN Global Advocate for Spotlight Initiative, advocating for an end to violence against women and girls worldwide. Forbes Africa recognized him as one of the 100 most influential Africans in 2021.
World Premiere and Global Distribution
The Tribeca Film Festival premiered the documentary, and it is set to reach millions around the world, with global distribution and sales negotiations underway. The documentary promises to inspire audiences and showcase the incredible story of a man who overcame significant challenges to become an influential force in South African history.
“RISE – The Siya Kolisi Story” is an inspiring story of a man who broke down barriers and established himself as a global icon. The documentary portrays his journey, both on and off the field, and showcases his leadership qualities that have inspired millions. The film promises to inspire audiences worldwide and is an excellent way to learn about the challenges and triumphs of South Africa’s first black rugby captain.