South Africa is taking a big step towards enhancing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education in the region. Thanks to the collaboration between Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Mr Buti Manamela, and multinational company Sasol, the University of Mpumalanga will receive a mobile science laboratory on May 17th.
Cape Town City Ballet (CTCB), a prestigious arts institution in South Africa, is facing turmoil following allegations of irregular and unprocedural removal of the company’s CEO, Debbie Turner. In addition, the ongoing mediation process has left the organization’s 32 dancers uncertain about their future.
The Western Cape has launched the #BackOnTrack campaign, a massive R1.2 billion educational program aimed at addressing the significant decline in learning outcomes due to the Covid19 pandemic. The campaign aims to improve learning outcomes in the region over the next three years and secure a brighter future for children.