Anna O, Matthew Blake’s debut novel, is a thrilling exploration of the eerie world of sleeprelated crimes. The story follows Anna Ogilvy, accused of a double murder committed in her sleep, who falls into an unending slumber. The book delves into the murky realms of culpability when consciousness blurs, raising the compelling question of whether someone can be held responsible for their actions during sleepwalking. Blake’s atmospheric and darkly poignant writing style makes Anna O an unmissable addition to the crime thriller genre.
The death of Palestinian businessman Shafiq Naser in Cape Town exposes the depths of the Israeli underworld and its extensive reach. Naser’s story reveals elements of ancient feuds, international secrets, and lethal confrontations, transcending borders and challenging our understanding of the complex ties that bind people and nations together. As the investigation into Naser’s death continues, many questions remain unanswered, taking us on a journey strewn with the remnants of broken lives and unfulfilled dreams in a maze of intrigue and deception.