‘Lavish’ is a popular television series produced by Hela Media and broadcast on Mzansi Magic. The show features an exceptional cast, including the talented Jessica Nkosi, who brings to life the extravagant Zozi. ‘Lavish’ explores domestic suspense and complex characters, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats. The show is set to return for a second season, offering more enthralling moments for fans to enjoy.
Aksana Matokazi, a young actress from Brackenfell, has recently made South Africa proud by being selected to represent the country in the World Championships of Performing Arts held in Los Angeles. Her journey to this prestigious event has been a story of hard work, dedication, and passion for her craft. Matokazi’s exceptional talent has earned her a spot in the comedy, drama, and singing categories, showcasing her diverse abilities. Her selection is a testament to the quality of South Africa’s performing arts industry and the potential of its young talents.