The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) helped renowned South African singer Zahara save her home from being auctioned off by contributing a significant sum of R100,000 towards her mortgage. Zahara was struggling to meet her monthly loan repayments and appealed to the public for financial assistance. The EFF’s proactive approach towards economic freedom and dedication to helping those facing economic hardships was demonstrated through their intervention in Zahara’s plight. Zahara’s legacy as a pioneer in the music industry and the transformative power of collective support will continue to inspire future generations.
The Game-Changing Promise: How Julius Malema’s Vow to Arm Palestine Challenges Global Politics and Revives the Apartheid Struggle
Julius Malema, the leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), is a vocal supporter of the Palestinian cause, calling for a boycott of Israeli products and the closure of the Israeli embassy. He has even promised to provide weapons to Palestine if his party wins the 2024 general elections. Malema draws comparisons between the ongoing conflict in Palestine and South Africa’s historic fight against apartheid, emphasizing the importance of international solidarity in pursuing human rights. Malema’s controversial position on the conflict highlights the significance he ascribes to international support in the pursuit of human rights.
The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) in South Africa are campaigning against the Israeli Embassy through protests and an urgent request for its removal from the National Assembly. The party’s unwavering support for Palestine and opposition to Israel reflects its commitment to global justice and solidarity with oppressed populations. The EFF’s actions echo historical movements of resistance and solidarity and initiate a broader conversation about the role of political parties in shaping international relations and advocating for global justice.
South Africa’s power utility sector is facing significant challenges as the winter season approaches. The electricity demand is set to increase, and the threat of higher stages of load shedding looms. ## Julius Malema Calls for Return of Former Eskom Executives