Step back in time and discover the magical world of South African television’s Golden Age. From charming children’s shows with eccentric characters to the curiosity and exploration of extraterrestrial life, to American animated series that captured South African hearts, these timeless shows have significantly influenced the world of South African television and shaped a collective cultural memory that will persist for years to come. Join us on a nostalgic voyage to rediscover these oncebeloved narratives and pay tribute to the creative geniuses behind them.
Deli Malinga, known for her role as Mamzobe in ‘Umkhokha: The Curse,’ is not leaving the series despite rumors to the contrary. Entertainment commentator Phil Mphela confirmed that Malinga is under contract to remain with the show until the season’s agreement concludes. Fans expressed relief at the news, and Malinga’s impact on the show’s success has been noted. As Malinga explores new opportunities, her star continues to rise.
In February 2023, President Cyril Ramaphosa announced in his State of the Nation Address that South Africa would complete the transition to digital television signal by the end of the year. This marked a critical milestone in the switchoff of analogue transmission that had been announced in December 2022.
Journeying from being a smalltown girl in Ladysmith to becoming one of the lead actresses in the awardwinning Showmax Original telenovela, The Wife, Mbalenhle Mavimbela has come a long way in her career. Her portrayal of Hlomu, the female protagonist in the show, has made her a household name in South Africa. The Wife, produced by Stained Glass, is still the most popular Showmax series ever, topping Twitter most Thursdays during its threeseason run.