In the vast and serene landscapes of Joe Gqabi District, Eastern Cape, South Africa, a crucial mission unfolded last week. Operation “Mazibuye Iinkomo Zam” aimed to recover stolen cattle and raise awareness among the farming community about identifying and protecting their livestock.
Ravensmead has been experiencing a rise in theft and vandalism that has caused significant damage to the city’s medium voltage feeder cable and substation. As a result, the electricity supply network in the area has been severely impacted, leading to frequent tripping and extended outages. The city recognizes the urgency of the situation and is focusing on repairing the damaged infrastructure as quickly as possible.
The Energy Directorate of the City of Cape Town has successfully implemented a plan to address outstanding streetlight repairs in the Mitchells Plain area. Despite facing high service requests, loadshedding, and weatherrelated issues, the City has made steady progress. ## Increase in Electricity Infrastructure Repair Service Requests Due to Vandalism and Theft
South Africa has a diverse population of endangered species, including rhinos, elephants, and crocodiles, facing constant threats from poachers and traffickers. As a response to these crimes, the Stilfontein Stock Theft and Endangered Species (STES) Unit investigates and prevents them in the North West Province.