In a heartbreaking incident of misidentification, a woman lost her life after presumed hitmen targeted her mistakenly due to a supposed affair. In an unforeseen sequence of events, the South African Police Service (SAPS) managed to take into custody the individuals involved in the crime, unveiling a complex web of relationships, dishonesty, and revenge that unfolded on the N3 highway in KwaZuluNatal.
Hailing from Calitzdorp, South Africa, Gielie Basson has accomplished a remarkable feat that will be etched in memory for years. He has triumphantly shattered the Guinness World Record for the lengthiest braai, an extraordinary achievement that entailed him continuously attending to a barbecue for over 80 hours. Despite this incredible accomplishment, Basson stays resolute at the grill, intent on establishing a new personal milestone by reaching a total of 84 hours.
Cape Town recently demonstrated its unwavering commitment to resilience and teamwork during an exceptional crisis. A colossal 54,000ton container ship encountered a disastrous fire while at sea, and was directed to approach Cape Town’s waters. The ship’s captain, recognizing the gravity of the situation, acted promptly by sealing the compartment where the fire was ablaze. By September 19th, the afflicted vessel arrived at Cape Town’s port, but due to the uncontained fire, officials denied entry, leaving the ship anchored in the bay.
Subheading: Table Mountain Aerial Cableway Company presents its alluring venue, melding classic sophistication with modern design.
Surrounded by the magnificent fynbos fields, the Stellenzicht Wine Pod showcases the perfect fusion of history, sustainability, and remarkable winemaking. This unique ecotasting room, gracefully positioned on crow’s feet without concrete foundations, invites guests to immerse themselves in nature while minimizing their environmental footprint.
Our surroundings constantly surprise us with an array of wonders, and the sky is no exception. Among the many breathtaking natural phenomena, lenticular clouds stand out. These extraordinary cloud formations captivate onlookers with their remarkable appearance, often resembling unidentified flying objects. Join us as we explore the fascinating world of lenticular clouds and the meteorological elements that lead to their formation.
The Law Society of South Africa (LSSA) has expressed its apprehension over the suggested changes to the Road Accident Fund Act, warning that the proposed amendments could have severe repercussions for all South African road users. The transport minister recently gazetted the draft amendment bill, which recommends significant alterations to the fund’s operation and the processes for claims payment. Of particular concern to the LSSA is the proposed elimination of the rights of drivers, passengers, and pedestrians to claim compensation for injuries they have sustained.
In the early morning of September 20, 2023, the Tlhabane community in South Africa experienced a significant clampdown on criminal activity. Several law enforcement agencies, such as the South African Police Service (SAPS), Rustenburg Crime Intelligence, Tlhabane Visible Policing, District Crime Combating Unit, Bafokeng Reaction Force, and Nuco Chrome Protection Service, teamed up to bring down a group of ten criminals. This victorious effort resulted in the arrest of the offenders, who faced charges including drug possession and dealing, robberies, motor vehicle theft, attempted murder, and burglary.
On a bright Wednesday afternoon, the usually tranquil ambiance of Kommetjie, a quaint town near Cape Town, was disrupted by an unexpected and disastrous event that led to the demise of three South African Navy officers. The harrowing episode took place near the Slangkop Lighthouse, as the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) submarine SAS Manthatisi was participating in a vital training exercise.
In the quaint town of Calitzdorp, situated along the famous Route 62 in South Africa, Gielie Basson has embarked on a daring pursuit. His objective? To surpass the current Guinness World Record for the longest braai, which currently stands at 80 hours. Basson’s exceptional journey takes place at Zamani Grill, affectionately known as ‘The Smallest Bar’ on Route 62, where he intends to braai for an incredible 84 hours nonstop.
South Africa, a country abundant in culture and brimming with diversity, honors Heritage Day on September 24th. This day showcases the nation’s dedication to fostering and preserving its shared legacy and pays tribute to the great individuals who fought for a united and flourishing South Africa free from racial and gender discrimination.
Situated along the coast of Cape Town, South Africa, the eyecatching and delightful Muizenberg Beach Huts have been a longstanding emblem of the city’s tourism history. These remarkable structures, known for their vivid and colourful exteriors, link us to a rich cultural and historical legacy deeply rooted in Muizenberg’s community. With the latest renovation phase underway, the reinvigoration of these cherished beach huts will carry on, maintaining their appeal and personality for future generations.
Every year, a video featuring a Parktown Boys’ High schoolboy named Phil Whitehead enjoying Mageu, a traditional South African drink, and suddenly erupting into isiZulu expressions, circulates on social media. The surprising and cheerful language switch always generates amusement and pleasure among those watching. However, the intriguing narrative of Phil, who is now a 24yearold man, is mostly untold.
Taking a deep dive into the world’s oceans, readers can embark on a new adventure with Captain Fanplastic and the Black Mermaid. Authored by Ruben Hazelzet, this captivating book builds a connection between humanity’s inherent bond with the ocean and the urgent issue of marine litter. As a social change expert and leader of the Captain Fanplastic program, Hazelzet steers this literary journey with experiential education, inspiring children to tackle marine pollution.
Table Mountain, a proudly cherished emblem of Cape Town and South Africa, has enthralled the hearts and minds of both residents and travelers for many, many years. Proudly standing above the city, Table Mountain has turned into one of the most photographed sites in the world. Its rich history and ongoing evolution over the past 90 years demonstrate human innovation, determination, and the timeless appeal of natural splendor. This article delves into the captivating history of Table Mountain and its Aerial Cableway, highlighting the numerous transformations it has experienced to become the modern wonder it is today.
In a world facing the severe consequences of biodiversity loss, it’s encouraging to witness a rare sign of recovery for an endangered species. The African rhino, which has been a prime target of relentless poaching for decades, has recently shown a promising resurgence. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), 2021 marked a notable increase in rhino numbers throughout Africa, bringing the first piece of “good news” for these extraordinary animals in ten years.